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2. Sahara W, Yamazaki T, Inui T, Konda S, Sugamoto K: The glenohumeral micromotion and influence of the glenohumeral ligaments during axial rotation in J Orthop Sci, 2020(6); 25: 980-985.
3. Sahara W, Yamazaki T, Konda S, Sugamoto K, Yoshikawa H: Influence of humeral abduction angle on axial rotation and contact area at the glenohumeral joint. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2019; 28: p570-577.
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8. Sahara W, Sugamoto K, Murai M, Yoshikawa H: Three-dimensional clavicular and acromioclavicular rotations during arm abduction using vertically open MRI. J Orthop Res, 2007; 25: p1243-1249
9. Sahara W, Sugamoto K, Murai M, Tanaka H, Yoshikawa H: The three-dimensional motions of the glenohumeral joint under semi-loaded condition during arm Clin Biomech, 2007; 22: p304-312.
10. Sahara W, Sugamoto K, Murai M, Tanaka H, Yoshikawa H: 3D kinematic analysis of the acromioclavicular joint during arm abduction using vertically open MRI J Orthop Res, 2006; 24: p1823-1831.